87 | Thelma


Director: Joachim Trier
Writers: Joachim Trier & Eskil Vogt

Synopsis: The movie opens with a little girl (Thelma) & her father in the woods hunting deer. After setting his sights on a doe, the father aims for the little girl’s head. Cut to ten or so years later - Thelma is a college freshman living away from her very religious helicopter parents for the first time. An attraction to a fellow student seems to lead to violent seizures, during which Thelma evens seems to be affecting the environment around her. Is this why young Thelma's father pointed his gun at her? Was he afraid of what Thelma might become?

Intro/Outro music courtesy Peter Perfect. Check him out on Instagram | Soundcloud

Somehow, The Bloodlust managed to miss the opportunity to review Mark Duplass' unsettling and uncomfortable thriller, Creep (though, it did make it onto a couple of our "EOY top ten" lists. So to make up for missing the first one, next time you hear from us, we'll be joined by our dear friend, Sandra, as we review and discuss the aptly named Creep sequel, Creep 2

86 | The Pact

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Writer/Director: Nicholas McCarthy

Synopsis: Annie is forced to return to her childhood home after the death of her estranged mother. While initially hesitant to make the trip, she changes her mind when her recovering addict sister Nicole disappears while cleaning out the home. Thinking her sister has just fallen off the wagon again, Annie stays in the home after attending the funeral. It’s then that she realizes there may be a supernatural reason for her sister’s disappearance.

Thanks for the great suggestion! We knew our listeners had good taste. Next up, we'll be talking about Thelma, the eagerly anticipated (by Amy) Norwegian new release from Joachim Trier.

Intro/Outro music courtesy Peter Perfect. Check him out on Instagram | Soundcloud

85 | Better Watch Out

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85 | Better Watch Out

Director: Chris Peckover

Writers: Zack Kahn (screenplay & story), Chris Peckover (screenplay)

Synopsis: Ashley is a 17-yr-old who is about to leave her nice suburban neighborhood to go away to college. She agrees to babysit one last time for her neighbors, played by Virginia Madsen & Patrick Warburton. Their son, Luke, is 12 years old & has a crush on Ashley. Not long after the parents leave, strange things start happening. Are they really being terrorized by masked intruders? But it’s such a safe neighborhood!

Intro/Outro music courtesy Peter Perfect. Check him out on Instagram | Soundcloud

Up next, a listener request! Join us in two weeks when we'll review The Pact, available on Netflix (in the U.S., at least).

84 | Gerald's Game


Director: Mike Flanagan

Writers: Mike Flanagan & Jeff Howard (based on novel by Stephen King)

Synopsis: Jessie Burlingame & her husband Gerald travel to their secluded lake house for a romantic getaway to rekindle the spark in their stale relationship. Gerald has brought some handcuffs along to spice things up, but when he suffers a heart attack & collapses after locking Jessie up, she is forced to endure a hallucinatory nightmare.

Next up, we’ll finally be reviewing Better Watch Out. So you’d better watch out...for our next episode. 

83 | Leatherface

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Directors: Alexandre Bustillo & Julien Maury

Writer: Seth M. Sherwood

Synopsis: The movie begins in the mid 1950's, where we learn the Sawyer family, headed up by matriarch Lili Taylor, is up to their usual shenanigans. But when they murder the daughter of a local deputy, he responds by doing the sensible thing & taking the minor Sawyer children into state custody. When chaos erupts at the state home, a handful of wards escape (along with a nurse, who is having a terrible first day) and now it's the local deputy's job to track them down.

Stephen King is just sooo hot right now and since we'd never want to be considered "un-hip," we'll be jumping on the King-wagon to review the recently released Gerald's Game, which is now streaming on Netflix.

82 | Mother!

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Director/Writer: Darren Aronofsky

Stars: Jennifer Lawrence (mother), Javier Bardem (Him), Ed Harris (man), Michelle Pfeiffer (woman), the Gleeson brothers & Kristen Wiig?!

An unnamed woman (Jennifer Lawrence) lives in a secluded farmhouse with her husband, a famous poet who is struggling with writer’s block. While the man tries to write, the woman keeps herself busy by renovating the house, which had previously been almost completely destroyed by a fire. Things aren’t perfect (dude is pretty moody, emotionally unavailable, etc.), but she seems to be pretty content.

Everything changes when a guy shows up at their door, claiming he thought the place was a B&B. It’s Ed Harris, & he’s soon followed by his wife, Michelle Pfeiffer, then more & more people. Soon, both JLaw & the farmhouse (& the viewer!) begin to crumble under the weight of all the uninvited guests.


Next up, another entry into the Texas Chainsaw franchise. But wait! This one's helmed by the duo who brought you the ultra gory french extremity flick Inside. See, now we've got your attention. This one's available online now, so check it out, then check back here in a couple of weeks to see what we thought of it. Toodles!

Our Log Does Not Judge | Part 18


"There's some fear in letting go."

Ain't it the truth. Join the gals as they bid farewell to the return. What a great time we had this summer! Hopefully this doesn't come off as super maudlin, but with all the crazy, ridiculous crap happening in the world, it's been really nice to have Twin Peaks around again. We've been able to occupy our minds with this really neat puzzle for a while, which has given a lot of people a fun mental break. Also, & maybe more importantly -  it's nice to be reminded that, as terrible as humanity can often seem, we do make some damn fine art.

Thanks for listening to what our Log had to say. It's been tons of fun :)

These awesome posters for each new episode are made by Cristiano Siqueira

These awesome posters for each new episode are made by Cristiano Siqueira