Our Log Does Not Judge | Part 18


"There's some fear in letting go."

Ain't it the truth. Join the gals as they bid farewell to the return. What a great time we had this summer! Hopefully this doesn't come off as super maudlin, but with all the crazy, ridiculous crap happening in the world, it's been really nice to have Twin Peaks around again. We've been able to occupy our minds with this really neat puzzle for a while, which has given a lot of people a fun mental break. Also, & maybe more importantly -  it's nice to be reminded that, as terrible as humanity can often seem, we do make some damn fine art.

Thanks for listening to what our Log had to say. It's been tons of fun :)

These awesome posters for each new episode are made by Cristiano Siqueira

These awesome posters for each new episode are made by Cristiano Siqueira